dry extract, lettuce seed leaves, oxidative stress, tetrachloromethane liver injury, antioxidant systemAbstract
SUMMARY. Oxidative stress provokes the development of many diseases of various organs and systems, including the gastrointestinal tract, liver, brain, cardiovascular system, kidneys, lungs, etc. Toxic hepatitis caused by the introduction of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) is considered a universal model of cell membrane pathology, which is accompanied by a violation of oxidant-antioxidant homeostasis in the cell.
The search for new drugs that could be used in conditions with increased development of free radical processes is relevant today. Of the numerous remedies presented in Ukraine, medicinal plant preparations are popular due to the rich content of biologically active substances, a wide spectrum of pharmacological activity, a high level of safety, low toxicity and cost.
The aim – to study the activity of lipoperoxidation processes and indicators of the antioxidant system of rats under the conditions of tetrachloromethane damage to the liver and after the use of a dry extract from lettuce seed leaves.
Material and methods. For research, 78 white male rats were used, which were kept on a standard ration of the vivarium of the Ternopil National Medical University. Experimental animals were divided into four groups: 1st – intact control; 2-a – rats affected by tetrachloromethane; 3rd – tetrachloromethane-affected rats after using a dry extract from lettuce leaves; 4-a – tetrachloromethane-affected rats after the use of silymarin. Dry extract from lettuce leaves was used in a dose of 100 mg/kg of body weight. The drug of comparison was hepatoprotector plant-derived silymarin under the trademark "Karsyl" manufactured by the company "Sopharma" (Bulgaria), which rats received in the form of a 1 % starch suspension in the same dose as the studied extract – 100 mg/kg of body weight. Rats were euthanized under thiopental anesthesia on the 4th, 7th, 14th, and 21st days of the experiment in compliance with all the rules of the Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals. The content of TBK-AP, CT activity and CP content were determined in blood serum. The content of TBK-AP and CT activity in the liver. Statistical data processing was performed using the SPSS-22 software package.
The results. Under the conditions of induced hepatitis, an increase in the content of TBC-AP was found in the blood serum and liver of rats. The use of a dry extract from lettuce seed leaves led to a probable decrease of this indicator on the 14th and 21st days of the study, while at the initial stages of the development of tetrachloromethane hepatitis, a tendency to decrease the content of TBC-AP was observed, but no probable changes were noted. In our experiments, it was found that tetrachloromethane poisoning of rats led to a decrease in catalase activity during the experiment in the blood serum and liver of rats. After the application of a dry extract from lettuce leaves to tetrachloromethane-affected animals, catalase activity in blood serum probably increased starting from the 7th day of the study. In the liver, this indicator probably (p≤0.05) increased somewhat later – on the 14th day of the experiment. During the entire experiment, the content of central nervous system increased in the animals affected by the toxicant. Applied for the purpose of correction of SESL led to a decrease in the content of ceruloplasmin in all terms of the study.
Conclusions. It has been established that the extract from lettuce leaves has antioxidant properties, which are confirmed by the suppression of oxidative stress under conditions of toxic liver damage.
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