
  • Z. M. Nebesna I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • V. B. Klimyk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • V. V. Kulbitska I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • N. V. Ohinska I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • I. B. Hetmanyuk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • S. V. Trach Rosolovska I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University



adrenal gland, microscopic changes, morphometry, thermal injury, xenograft skin substrate


SUMMARY. Thermal injuries in terms of frequency, complications and mortality are the most common among other diseases in the world. However, morphological changes in the adrenal gland in dynamics after burn injuries and subsequent correction remain insufficiently studied. Today, an important task is to identify effective methods of treatment of burn injuries. One of the modern approaches to solving burn injury correction issues is the use of a substrate of lyophilized xenograft skin substrate.

The aim – to establish the structural reorganization of the components of adrenal gland components after 14 and 21 days under conditions of thermal skin trauma and application of cryolyophilized xenograft skin substrate.

Materials and Methods. Experimental thermal injury was modeled on 40 laboratory white male rats. Third-degree burns were inflicted using copper plates heated in boiled water to a temperature of 97-100 ºC, using thiopental-sodium anesthesia. The lesion area was 18-20 % of the animal’s body surface. Microscopic examination of the structure of the adrenal glands was carried out using a MICROmed SEO SСAN light microscope.

Results. In the late period (on the 14th and 21st days of the experiment) under the conditions of using the cryolyophilized xenograft skin substrate as a corrective drug for burn injuries, active regenerative processes were established, the microstructure of the gland’s endocrinocytes was normalized, which occurred against the background of a significant decrease in the degree of endotoxemia. The average value of the thickness of the cortex on the 14th day reliably decreased by 10.41 % (p<0.05) relative to the indicator of the II experimental group, and on the 21st day it was close to the indicator of the intact group of animals and, in comparison with the indicators of the group of animals with a burn injury without correction, decreased by 8.76 %. The average value of the thickness of the adrenal medulla decreased relative to the indicator of the II experimental group: on the 14th day – by 1.72 times (p<0.001), and on the 21st day – by 2.71 times (p<0.001). Morphometrically, the closeness of the examined parameters of the adrenal gland of animals of the III group to the intact indicators on the 21st day of the experiment was determined.

Conclusions. In the late period (14-21 days) after the experimental thermal injury, under the conditions of using a cryolyophilized xenograft skin substrate, an active course of regenerative processes was observed in the components of the adrenal gland, which were manifested in the restoration of the structure of cells and nuclei.


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How to Cite

Nebesna, Z. M., Klimyk, V. B., Kulbitska, V. V., Ohinska, N. V., Hetmanyuk, I. B., & Trach Rosolovska, S. V. (2024). CHARACTERISTICS OF MICROSCOPIC AND MORPHOMETRIC CHANGES OF THE ADRENAL GLANDS AFTER 14 AND 21 DAYS UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF THERMAL SKIN DAMAGE AND APPLICATION OF PIG SKIN CRYOLYOPHILIZED XENOSUBSTRATE. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (2), 101–107.



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