
  • O. Ya. Vydoinyk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University



periodontal disease, periodontitis, children, bronchial asthma


SUMMARY. The high prevalence of dental diseases in the pediatric population requires the solution of many issues related to the prevention of pathology and the assessment of its factors against the background of general somatic pathology, including bronchial asthma. The peculiarities of the pathogenetic mechanisms of dental pathology on the background of bronchial asthma, in particular, biochemical, immunological and endocrine, are insufficiently elucidated; the most sensitive age groups of children to influence of this concomitant pathology on the dental status are not defined that, in turn, causes difficulties at a choice of differentiated preventive measures.

The substantiation of preventive measures aimed at eliminating metabolic changes in the body of children, increasing the body’s resistance, taking into account the presence of somatic disease, is relevant. Therefore, the assessment of the level of dental health of children with bronchial asthma, elucidation of risk factors for the occurrence and development of oral diseases, analysis of functional, biochemical, immunological changes in children with bronchial asthma is an urgent problem of modern dentistry. to substantiate a set of treatment-and-prophylactic measures of dental diseases in children, which determines the relevance of this study.

The aim – to study the prevalence and intensity of periodontal disease in children with bronchial asthma.

Material and methods. To assess dental morbidity, a clinical examination of 240 children with BA (main group) was conducted. The comparison group consisted of 100 children without concomitant somatic diseases. The survey was conducted in key groups – 7–15 years.

Results. As a result of examination of 240 children with asthma (main group), periodontal tissue diseases were detected in 71.67 % of cases. In 100 children without asthma and concomitant somatic pathology (comparative group) inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues were diagnosed 1.5 times less.

With increasing age of the examined children, the prevalence of inflammatory diseases of the tissues of the oral cavity increased in both groups of examined children, however, in children with asthma, this process was more pronounced. Thus, in 7–9-year-old children with asthma, the prevalence of periodontal disease was 1.6 times higher than in the group of children without asthma (55.26 % vs. 35.48 %). In the age range of 10–12 years, the prevalence of periodontal disease in children with asthma was 77.22 %, which was 1.6 times higher than the corresponding values in the comparison group of 47.06 %. The maximum values of the prevalence of inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues were diagnosed in 13–15 year old examined children of both groups, and the obtained data of the main group 81.18 % were 1.4 times higher than the corresponding values of the comparison group 60.00 %.

Analysis of the structure of periodontal tissue diseases revealed that gingivitis was the most common pathology in both groups of examined children. Thus, in children of the main group gingivitis was diagnosed in 44.17 % of cases, which was 1.5 times more than the corresponding values in the comparison group of 29.0 %. Localized periodontitis in children of the main group was diagnosed 1.3 times more often than in the comparison group (23.75 % vs. 19.0 %).

Conclusions. Clinical studies and the results show that the prevalence of periodontal disease in children with bronchial asthma was 71.67 %, which is 1.5 times higher than in children (48.0 %) without somatic pathology. The low level of educational knowledge in children on oral care and low quality of oral hygiene were revealed.


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How to Cite

Vydoinyk, O. Y. (2023). PREVALENCE AND INTENSITY OF PERIODONTAL DISEASE IN CHILDREN WITH BRONCHIAL ASTHMA. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (4), 70–74.



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