intellectual-cognitive sphere, mental capacity, global warming, heat sensitivity, cognitive functionsAbstract
SUMMARY. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century, the global average temperature of the planet's surface has been increasing uncontrollably. Mankind observes the consequences of global warming not only in the form of fires, floods, hurricanes and other numerous disasters, but also in the form of a direct impact on the human psyche. The changes are also associated with reduced mental performance and cognitive function.
The aim – to evaluate the state of the intellectual-mnestic sphere in persons with different heat sensitivity.
Material and Methods. 100 people aged 17–20 years participated in the study. To determine heat sensitivity, a thermal test was used, which included measurements of the temperature of both hands, pulse and blood pressure, as well as data from the "Levels of heat sensitivity" questionnaire developed by us. To assess the state of the intellectual-mnestic sphere, the following techniques were carried out: "Landolt Rings", "Regularities of a numerical series", a short indicative test.
Results. Higher heat sensitivity was established in 28 % of the subjects (group A), and in 72 % lower heat sensitivity was noted (group B). The analysis of the state of the intellectual-mnestic sphere revealed a lower level of cognitive ability in group A, in particular, reduced indicators of attention and memory were revealed, the average indicator of stability and performance of attention was 6.7 % lower than in group B. The average number of remembered words for minute was 5.8 % less. No significant statistical differences were found in the comparative study of thinking and intelligence.
Conclusions. People with higher heat sensitivity were found to have lower stability, performance of attention and memory, mental capacity. The obtained results can become a theoretical basis for assessing risk factors for the development of cognitive diseases, improving mental performance (cognitive activity) in the conditions of global warming and their prevention.
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