doctor competencies, student scientific society, human anatomyAbstract
SUMMARY. In the aspect of achieving the maximum development of student’s abilities, the development of clinical thinking and the quality of training of international-level specialists, the problem of reforming the methods of teaching morphological disciplines, namely human anatomy, is extremely acute. The introduction of a creative approach to the educational process on the part of the teacher and, as a result, an increase in interest of studying the subject on the part of the student is possible not only during practical classes, but also during additional classes as part of a student scientific society. The organization of this type of work requires the development of self-discipline from the student, accustoms him to self-learning and self-improvement. On the other hand, students have the opportunity to receive help from the teacher in the form of advice, some support if difficulties arise during the studying. Additional classes as part of the student scientific society not only help to deepen knowledge on the subject, but also contribute to the development of the ability to think outside the templates provided, which in the future is the basis for the development of clinical thinking. This type of activity is of particular importance for first-year students who are experiencing a difficult transition from the school system to studying at a higher educational institution.
The student anatomical scientific society of Human Anatomy, Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy Department of ZSMU is part of the "Scientific Society of Students, Postgraduates, Doctoral Students and Young Scientists" of ZSMU. It was founded more than 50 years ago by the first head of the anatomy department, Prof. Yakhnitsa O. H. and has been continuously functioning since the founding of the department.
To date, students have been offered several forms of work of a scientific society: 1. for first-year students of society, preference is given to consolidating the educational material and deepening knowledge on topics that were studied in practical classes; 2. listening to the reports of students who performed research, search or practical work; 3. practical part, where students, together with the lecturer, participate in the preparation of body or make the anatomical preparations; 4. as a separate form of practical work, one can single out the participation of students of the scientific society in the restoration of anatomical preparations for the Museum of Anatomical Preparations named after Prof. Yakhnitsa O.H.
Conclusions. It should be noted that most of the young lecturers of the anatomy department of ZSMU being students actively participated in the work of the student anatomical scientific society
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