cough, approaches to treatment, efficacy and safety of therapy, responsible self-medicationAbstract
SUMMARY. Optimization of the respiratory diseases treatment is an important medical and social problem of modernity, which is due to the significant prevalence of this pathology among the working-age population, constant progression, comorbidity and possible negative influence on the concomitant diseases.
The aim – to analyze the modern experience of using the drugs for symptomatic treatment of cough, as well as identify alternative ways to optimize pharmacotherapy.
The literature review presents modern views on the choice of symptomatic drugs for the treatment of cough, and focuses on various principles of therapeutic tactics. The basic principles of the responsible self-medication of patients at symptomatic treatment of cough as one of the main symptoms of inflammatory respiratory diseases are presented. The general information about the symptoms of respiratory diseases, the causes of their occurrence, classification and treatment tactics are presented. The modern classification and nomenclature of drugs used for the symptomatic treatment of cough are highlighted. The role of herbal medicine in the symptomatic treatment of cough was discussed and the rational choice of the optimal herbal medicine was justified according evidence-based medicine.
The literature analysis allowed for enough critical evaluation of the current state of the problem of symptomatic treatment of cough and determine the main directions of the selective approaches to the individualized choice of therapeutic tactics of patients with cough.
Conclusions. Cough treatment requires adequate and timely provision of an individual, clinical and pharmacological approaches to the choice of an optimal symptomatic drug. Focusing on each specific clinical situation with clinical and pharmacological positions will improve the efficacy and safety of patient’s therapy.
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