social and hygienic monitoring, pre-nosological diagnostics, iron, alimentary deficiencyAbstract
SUMMARY. The aim – to assess the prevalence of latent iron deficiency in students depending on the quality of nutrition and lifestyle.
Material and Methods. The study was conducted during 2015–2016 on the basis of departments of the Department of Hygiene and Medical Ecology of Odessa National Medical University. A survey was conducted on the daily iron intake and prevalence of iron deficiency symptoms in 976 medical students aged 17 to 32 years, among whom girls slightly prevailed (51.7 %). The mean age of the subjects was 19.7±0.9 years.
Evaluation of the qualitative content of iron compounds in the diet was performed by the calculation method. Individuals with probable iron deficiency were examined to determine hemoglobin, erythrocytes, hematocrit (general clinical blood test) and serum ferritin. Statistical processing was performed by methods of variance and correlation history using Statistica 10.0 software (TIBCO, USA).
Results. 628 students (64.3 %) consumed more than 90 percent of the daily requirement, including 377 (38.6 %) – in excessive (more than 100 %) quantities. 14.5 % of students (or 142 people) consumed from 81 to 90 % of daily needs, 128 (13.1 %) – from 71 to 80 %. 78 (8.0 %) students had a probable iron deficiency (up to 70 % of daily requirement). The most common complaints associated with probable iron deficiency were general weakness (107 or 11.0 %), increased fatigue (138 cases or 14.1 %), pale skin and mucous membranes (38 or 3.9 %), drowsiness (41 or 4.2 %), dry mouth (52 or 5.3 %), brittle hair (26 or 2.7 %), bleeding gums (14 or 1.4 %). Hyposmia, dysgeusia, and dysphagia were found much less frequently.
In general, probable iron deficiency was found at the previous stage of the study in 88 (9.0 %) patients, they were subsequently performed verifying laboratory studies. In the analysis of the obtained data, the diagnosis of mild IDA was confirmed in 4 (4.5 %) girls aged 18-21 years, latent iron deficiency – in 31 (35.2 %), with a predominance of girls – gender ratio 1: 2.4.
Conclusions: 1. The frequency of latent iron deficiency in the population of students studying at the Medical University of Southern Ukraine does not exceed 3.2 % of the total number of contingents.
- The proposed screening method of latent iron deficiency meets the requirements for pre-nosological diagnostic tools (J=0.39 Sp=0.99) and can be recommended for use in the practice of social and hygienic monitoring
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