aorta, occlusion, ischemia, reperfusionAbstract
Among cardiovascular diseases, a significant proportion is assigned to chronic occlusive lesions of the aorta, its abdominal branches and main arteries of the lower extremities, which in turn causes the problem of postischemic or reperfusion syndrome. Annually, the number of such conditions ranges from 50 to 100 cases per 100,000 populations. This encourages clinicians and experimenters to seek and develop new effective methods for diagnosing and treating obliterative diseases of the main arteries and preventing postoperative complications.
The aim – to study the current state of the problem of changes in hemodynamics in occlusive lesions of the aorta and its branches.
Material and Methods. The material for the work was the publication of scientific research over the past 10 years on the problem of occlusion of the aorta and its branches and the occurrence of reperfusion syndrome after its elimination.
Results. The results of the study show that revascularization in chronic critical ischemia in some cases instead of improving and restoring blood circulation, on the contrary, leads to increased manifestations of ischemia. The basis of this phenomenon, according to most clinicians and experimenters, is formed by polytropic tissue damage of various anatomical structures with the development of multiorgan dysfunction and redox imbalance. Under such conditions, the flow of oxygen into ischemic tissues stimulates a number of processes that contribute to the loss of cell function. In particular, this leads to the activation of free radical processes, an increase in the number of products of lipid peroxidation, the accumulation of endotoxins.
Conclusions. The problem of complications in occlusive diseases of the main arteries continues to remain. These diseases are accompanied by a restructuring of the central hemodynamics, which changes dramatically, in particular during the surgical restoration of patency of the aorta and its main branches. All this has a significant impact on hemodynamics, especially in the reperfusion period, as one of the manifestations of multiorgan failure, which is based on a single common, universal mechanisms.
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