
  • I. V. Gorb-Gavrylchenko Dnipro State Medical University



independent work, dentist studentʼs, professional competencies


SUMMARY. The article presents the types of independent work of a studentʼs dentist. The organization of independent work is not a personal matter of the student, but the managerial function of the university, the task of the teaching staff, which is of particular importance in the context of distance learning. The introduction of self-study methods contributes to the comprehend and independent work of the student, in the first instance with educational material, then with scientific information, build the foundation for self-organization and self-education. The decisive role in the organization of independent work of the student belongs to the teacher, who must work not with the student “in general”, but with a specific personality, with its strengths and weaknesses, individual abilities and inclinations. The task of the teacher is to see and develop the best qualities of the student as a future dentist.


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How to Cite

Gorb-Gavrylchenko, I. V. (2022). STUDENT’S INDEPENDENT WORK AS AN ELEMENT OF THE MODERN EDUCATIONAL PROCESS. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (2), 28–31.



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