пострезекційна портальна гіпертензіяAbstract
Removal of significant volumes of the liver parenchyma often leads to postresection portal hypertension, which is complicated by bleeding from varicose veins of the esophagus and stomach, rectum, ascites, splenomegaly, secondary hypersplenism, parenchymal jaundice, multiorgan failure.
The aim – to establish the features of massometric changes of the heart chambers in the conditions of postresection portal hypertension
Material and Methods. The chambers of the heart of 34 laboratory mature white male rats, which were divided into 2 groups, were massometrically examined. The 1 group consisted of 15 intact practically healthy experimental animals, 2 – 19 rats with simulated postresection portal hypertension. Euthanasia of rats was performed by bloodletting under thiopental anesthesia. A separate weighing of parts of the heart muscle was performed, which took into account: heart mass, absolute left and right ventricular mass, ventricular index, Fulton's index, left and right atrial mass, percentages of ventricular and atrial masses, atrial index, right atrioventricular index and left. Parts of the heart were examined histologically. Massometric parameters of the heart chambers were processed statistically.
Results. It was found that resection of the left and right lateral lobes of the liver in rats led to the development of postresection portal hypertension, which was characterized by dilation and venous plethora of the portal hepatic vein, mesenteric veins, esophageal and gastric veins, anterior abdominal wall, splenomegaly, ascites. The massometric parameters of the heart chambers changed. Thus, the weight of the heart in the simulated experiment increased by 19.5 %, the absolute mass of the left ventricle – by 24.1 %. right – by 11.4 % (p<0.001), left atrium – by 21.0 %, right – by 8.4 % (p<0.01). The ventricular index decreased by 10.3 %, the left atrioventricular index – by 3.7 %, right – by 2.5 %, the Fulton index increased by 17.7 %. atrial index – by 9.8 %, cardiac index – by 11.6 %, which indicated the disproportion of the hypertrophy of the chambers of the heart in conditions of postresection portal hypertension and was confirmed by the percentage of their massometric parameters.
Conclusions. A massometric study of the features of remodeling of the heart chambers in the conditions of postresection portal hypertension revealed an uneven, disproportional increase in the mass of the heart chambers with dominant hypertrophy of the left ventricle and left atrium.
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