functional gastrointestinal disorders, FGIDs, intestine, Rome IV criteria, childrenAbstract
The urgency of the problem of functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) is beyond doubt, as most of pathological conditions that occur in children have a functional etiology.
The aim – to analyze the Rome IV criteria and form a modern diagnostic algorithm of the functional bowel disorders for children at the stage of primary care.
Material and Methods. The prospective and retrospective data collection, synthesis, data discussion, and peer-review and analytical methods from the international medical electronic databases concerning the Roman criteria IV were accomplished in the work.
Results. The cause of FGIDs is not biochemical or morphological disorders of the digestive system, but mainly temporary disorders of the functioning of some organs in the digestive system. In 2016, the Rome IV Criteria were published, according to which for children there were update FGIDs criteria based on symptoms. According to revised review for newborns and young children, the "rule of three" for colic diagnosing was abolished, in children with functional constipation, a distinction was made between children who have the skills of "neatness" (toilet trained) and those who have not. For children and adolescents, two new FGIDs have been described – functional nausea and functional vomiting, and it has been noted that pain should not be the main complaint in the functional dyspepsia diagnosis.
Conclusions. The analysis of the Rome IV criteria provides to correctly interpret data of child’s examination and make a plan for a pediatric patient of medical treatment and observation to improve the quality of patient life.
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