
  • R. B. Nasalyk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University



chronic cerebral ischemia, hydrocephalus, CT scan, cerebral atrophy


SUMMARY. The study of structural changes of the brain in patients with chronic brain ischemia (CBI), elucidation of their relationship with cognitive disorders contributes to the improvement of diagnostic approaches and optimization of predicting the course of the disease. The aim is to assess the state of the brain by determining morphometric parameters in patients with CBI and hydrocephalus (HC) and to investigate their relationship with the cognitive sphere.

Material and Methods. A comprehensive examination of 140 patients with CBI and HC was carried out. We took into account the localization of HC, the data of the Montreal cognitive test. The data of computed tomography of the brain were evaluated, followed by the determination of morphometric parameters and indices. For statistical processing of the results, we used Microsoft Excel 2011 and Statistica programs.

Results. According to morphometric data, in patients with CBI, both the internal form of HC (in 50 patients (35.71 %)) and external (in 30 patients (21.43 %)) and mixed HC (in 60 patients (42.86 %)) were found. The average score on the MoCA scale in patients with CBI with HC was (15.65±4.11) points, in patients with CBI without HC – (20.64±2.59) points. A moderate inverse correlation was found (r=-0.39, p=0.010) between the value of the MoCA scale and the size of the left lateral ventricle, MoCA/IH (r=-0.32, p=0.016), MoCA/ICPLV (r=-0,31, p=0,043), MoCF/BFI (r=-0.36, p=0.011), MoCA/Schlatenbrand-Nuremberg index (r=-0.44, p=0.012), MoCA/IFH (r=-0.32, p=0.002), MoCA/3 ventricle (r=-0.35, p=0.012) MoCA/SAP (frontal lobe pole) (r=-0.30, p=0.012).

Conclusions. Depending on the predominant localization of HC in patients with CBI, mixed HC was found in 42.86 % of patients, internal – in 35.71 % of patients, external – in 21.43 % of patients. A relationship was found between morphometric indicators, which indicate subcortical and cortical cerebral atrophy, and the severity of cognitive deficit.


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How to Cite

Nasalyk, R. B. (2021). MORPHOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BRAIN IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC BRAIN ISCHEMIA. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (4), 127–134.



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