
  • T. H. Bakaliuk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • N. R. Makarchuk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • H. O. Stelmakh I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University




diabetes mellitus, diabetic polyneuropathy, dosed therapeutic gait, polarizing light


SUMMARY. In patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and diabetic polyneuropathy, the addition of dosed therapeutic gait and polarizing light to the main treatment regimens in the hospital restores all types of sensitivity and improves the quality of life.

The aim – to study the effect of complex treatment on the restoration of sensitivity in patients with diabetic polyneuropathy by including dosed therapeutic gait and polarizing light in standard treatment regimens.

Material and Methods. 95 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and diabetic polyneuropathy were examined. Patients were divided into 3 groups: group 1 received protocol treatment, group 2 in addition to protocol treatment received procedures with polarizing light, group 3 – the standard treatment additionally included dosed therapeutic gait and polarizing light. Assessment of neurological status was performed by determining superficial (tactile, pain, temperature) and deep (vibrational) types of sensitivity.

Results. In all groups there was a positive dynamics of changes (recovery) of sensitivity. In group 1 – the most restored pain sensitivity in group 2 – temperature, pain and tactile. The best effect of treatment was found in group 3, where all types of sensitivity were reliably restored. Comparison of treatment outcomes between the groups showed significantly better results in terms of restoring vibration sensitivity in patients who received procedures with polarizing light and dosed therapeutic gait (on a treadmill) in the complex treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy.

Conclusions. The additional appointment of patients with diabetic polyneuropathy to the standard therapy of dosed therapeutic course and polarizing light is likely to have a more effective effect on the restoration of tactile, pain, temperature and vibrational sensitivity compared to other therapeutic complexes. This approach to the appointment of rehabilitation interventions in patients with diabetic polyneuropathy in an inpatient setting can be proposed for use at different stages of rehabilitation.


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How to Cite

Bakaliuk, T. H., Makarchuk, N. R., & Stelmakh, H. O. (2021). EFFECTIVENESS OF REHABILITATION INTERVENTIONS IN DIABETIC POLYNEYROPATHY IN CONDITIONS OF INPATIENT TREATMENT. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (4), 30–35. https://doi.org/10.11603/1811-2471.2020.v.i4.11754



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