COPD, endothelial dysfunction, nitric oxide in exhaled airAbstract
Currently, COPD is considered a systemic pathology. Among the extrapulmonary manifestations, cardiovascular disorders are distinguished, the earliest manifestations of which are endothelial dysfunction. However, the literature has noted the ambiguity of data proving the effect of anamnestic, clinical parameters of COPD on the formation and progression of endothelial dysfunction.
The aim was to study the relationship between the concentration of NO in the exhaled air in patients with COPD and some clinical and anamnestic parameters of their disease, depending on the stage and phase of the pathological process.
Material and Methods. We examined 25 male patients with COPD stage I–IV in remission and exacerbation, the control group included 11 healthy people.
Results. A correlation was established between the concentration of NO in the exhaled air and the duration of the disease (r=-0.67, p=0.02) in patients with stage III–IV COPD during exacerbation, which may indicate the formation and progression of endothelial dysfunction with an increase in the length of the disease. At the same time, in the phase of remission in this contingent, the concentration of NO in the exhaled air did not depend on the studied parameter. In patients with COPD, regardless of the stage and phase of the pathological process, age, frequency of exacerbations per year, indicators of the function of external respiration do not affect the concentration of NO in exhaled air and, accordingly, are not essential parameters that determine the level of the studied marker in the presented contingent.
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