
  • G. P. Voinarovska D. Chebotaryov Institute of Gerontology, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv



іschemic heart disease, resistance to hypoxia, prediction, the elderly


Determination the body᾽s resistance to hypoxia and to clarify the possibility of predicting the course of the disease and life expectancy in patients with older coronary artery disease.

Material and Methods. A retrospective analysis of the data of 103 patients with coronary heart disease older than 60 years who reached the endpoint (died) was performed. Two groups of patients were distinguished: patients with preserved resistance to hypoxia (in whom blood saturation during hypoxic testing decreased not less than 80 % SpО2) and patients with reduced resistance to hypoxia (in whom blood saturation during hypoxic testing decreased below 80 %) SpО2. Hypoxia resistance was determined by conducting a hypoxic test with the inhalation of a hypoxic gas mixture with 12 % SpO2 for twenty minutes.

Results. The analysis showed that in older patients with coronary artery disease there is a correlation between life expectancy and shifts in blood saturation during hypoxic exposure. At the same time, it was found that in patients with older coronary artery disease, decreased resistance to hypoxia is associated with an unfavorable course of the disease. Moreover, patients with reduced resistance to hypoxia had more concomitant diseases of internal organs. Based on the results of the analysis using multivariate logistic regression, a model for predicting hypoxia resistance in older patients with IHD is built. The model allows one to determine with high accuracy resistance to hypoxia and predict the course of the disease and life expectancy in older patients with coronary artery disease with concomitant diseases of internal organs.

Conclusions. In patients with older coronary artery disease, life expectancy, in particular, is determined by resistance to hypoxia. The created model for predicting hypoxia resistance can be used in clinical practice to optimize the treatment and diagnostic process and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment and rehabilitation measures in patients with older coronary artery disease with concomitant diseases of the internal organs.


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How to Cite

Voinarovska, G. P. (2020). RESISTANCE TO HYPOXIA AND PREDICTING LIFE EXPECTANCY IN PATIENTS WITH ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE IN THE ELDERLY. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (3), 50–60.



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