
  • T. M. Bentsa P. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education



arterial hypertension, antihypertensive therapy, comorbidity


Arterial hypertension (AH) occupies a leading place in the structure of mortality, increases the risk of developing atherosclerotic, cardiovascular complications. AH is frequently associated with comorbid diseases. Hypertensive patients commonly have one or several co-existent pathologies. The comorbidities have mutual impact on each other, character and severity of complications. Comorbidities influence both the choice of antihypertensive drugs and target blood pressure level.

The main body. One of the risk factors that plays an important role in the pathogenesis, but is not well understood in relation to the development and progression of AH, is the presence of connective tissue dysplasia (CTD). Patients with CTD are more likely to have arterial hypotension or neurocirculatory dystonia, but later these young people often develop hypertension syndrome. The basis for the formation of AH combined with DST is dysfunction of the vascular endothelium of arterial blood flow, the severity of which depends on the duration and severity of AH, the presence of atherogenic dyslipidemias, the effectiveness of antihypertensive therapy and its angioprotective activity.

Conclusion. The presence of comorbidity in a patient, in particular the combination of DST and AH, requires an individual approach, comprehensive diagnostics (clinical, genealogical and laboratory-instrumental studies) and treatment, taking into account both existing pathologies.


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