simulation teaching methods, postgraduate education, practical skillsAbstract
According to modern world trends and the demand of domestic medicine, training in simulation centers is an appropriate way for students to learn practical skills from the first year, as well as medical practitioners.
The aim – to determine the level of competence of graduates of higher medical educational institutions in possession of a list of practical skills.
Material and Methods. A survey was conducted on the Royal College of General Practitioners knowledge assessment scale in two groups of interns of the first year of study, majoring in General Practice – Family Medicine, before and after the practical training in the simulation center. Group 1 included interns who, upon receiving education, did not have practical medical experience outside the institution of higher education (n = 86); group 2 (n = 16) – interns who worked during their studies in healthcare institutions as paramedical workers.
Results. As a result of the analysis of the data obtained, it was found that interns of the group 1 rated their level of possession of practical skills as requiring improvement. Interns who, when receiving education in medical higher educational institutions, worked in healthcare institutions, had a significantly higher level of proficiency in practical skills related to the competence of paramedical personnel.
Conclusions. Trainings on the level of mastering of practical skills and abilities when applying simulation training methods are highly effective, which is proved by the results of our research.
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