
  • S. Z. Khakimova Samarkand State Medical Institute, Samarkand, Uzbekistan



brucellosis, diagnosis, treatment, Milgamma


SUMMARY. Brucellosis is a particularly dangerous and socially significant infection that brings significant economic damage and causes a high level of disability for patients.

The aim – to improve the treatment of pain in the nervous system in patients with brucellosis.

Material and methods. We monitored 34 patients who had features of brucellosis that required correction of standard prescribing therapy with the addition of Milgamm. The duration of the disease ranged from 0 to 52 years. All patients were divided into two groups: the main group – 24 patients who received traditional treatment with the addition of the drug Milgamma and the control group – who received only traditional treatment.

Results. As a result of the clinical examination, we found that 65.4 % of patients had chronic brucellosis with combined lesions of the osteoarticular and nervous systems, and in 34.6 % – with a predominant lesion of the osteoarticular system. The effectiveness of treatment was evaluated on the 10th and 24th days on a scale of VAS, as well as after 3 and 6 months. Throughout the study, according to the visual analogue scale, there was a tendency for higher efficacy of the combination of milgamma and in relation to the traditional treatment, but the level of statistical reliability reached this difference only by day 24. Using the Neuropathic Pain Scale, it was shown that only on the background of combination therapy, pain characteristics such as intensity and acuity significantly decreased, and pain tolerability improved. A significant and moderate effect on the background of the introduction of milgamma was observed in 66 % of patients, in the control group – in 34 % (p<0.05). 3 months later pain was absent or minimal in 63 % of patients in the main group and in 50 % of patients in the control group (p<0.05). The results indicate that the group B of vitamins can potentiate the analgesic effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and promote a more rapid and persistent regression of pain.

Conclusions. The results obtained confirm the efficacy and safety of milgamma drugs in the treatment of pain in patients with nervous system involvement in brucellosis.


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How to Cite

Khakimova, S. Z. (2019). CHRONIC BRUCELLOSIS IN PRACTICE OF NEUROLOGIST: (CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT). Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (3), 133–138.



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