polymer film, wound, stomach, experimentAbstract
The strength of seams in gastrointestinal surgery is a complex and unresolved problem that can be the cause of disease progression and even death. Various additional means are used to ensure seam sealing: adhesives, films, biopolymer compositions. Unfortunately, these tracks are not effective enough or were not poorly understood.
The aim of the study – to give a pathomorphological and physical assessment of the effect of biodegradable polymeric film "Biodept-DF" on the strength of the rumen of the postoperative wound of the stomach in the experiment.
Material and Methods. The study was carried out on 65 guinea-pigs in compliance with all international requirements. At the ron-tensiometer developed by us, we studied the strength of postoperative wounds of the stomach without the additional means of sealing and with the addition of a biodegradable polymeric film saturated with decamethoxin and nanosized hydrated fullerene C60. Morphological studies were conducted on the basis of the Department of Pathomorphology and Forensic Medicine of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University.
Results. In the group without treatment, for the first day there was a scar rupture under the weight of (25.0±1.6) g, which is 7.2 g less than in the experimental group ІІІ. At the 7th day the weight of the gap in the experimental groups exceeded the weight of the control group by 46.8 g. Already for the 10th day, a rupture of tissue above and below the scar was observed for the same weight close to the weight after suturing.
In the group 2, on the 3rd day, the processes of necrosis in the stomach wall predominated, whereas in the group 3, the growth of granulation tissue was observed on the background of inflammatory cellular infiltration. Already on the 7th day of the experiment, the connective tissue was formed in the study group 3, indicating the regeneration of damaged tissues, and in the group 2 on the 7th day, continued to observe inflammatory infiltration of the mucous membrane of the stomach.
Conclusions. The developed polymeric film is elastic, dosage separates the active substance and increases the durability of scar tissue wounds in the postoperative period.
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