
  • L. F. Matyukha P. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • O. V. Protsiuk P. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • B. O. Smal P. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education



survey, patient education, adaptation and validation, diabetes mellitus


The aim of our study was to adapt an English version of the modified Diabetes knowledge test questionnaire in Ukrainian and to analyze its validity.

Material and Methods. The translation and cultural adaptation of the original English-language version of the Diabetes Knowledge Test was performed in accordance with WHO and ISPOR recommendations. The questionnaire was conducted by interviewing patients with a previously verified diagnosis of type 2 diabetes according to the inclusion criteria. Validation of the adapted Ukrainian version was performed by evaluating the validity of content and structure, consistency and repeatability.

Results. The average rate of correct answers in the study group was (61.77±1.35) %. Predictably, strong positive correlation was between the result and previous participation in the diabetes education events and the positive experience of the medical care (based on the results of PACIC +). The average Guttman value (λ 2) was 0.531, and for each of the groups 0.629 – 0.844. PCA identified 6 main components that represented 71.75 % of the variables. Components corresponded to the content of the questions. The pairwise retrieval correlation was in the range from 0.573 to 0.849 (p≤0.01), and for the overall result, the Spirman ratio was 0.956 (p≤0.01), indicating a reliable repeatability of the test.

Conclusions. Ukrainian version of the modified Diabetes Knowledge Test adapted in accordance with international standards, showed its validity in clinical practice. The resulting version, like its original version, is not a universal tool for assessing knowledge in patients with diabetes and should be used for the purposes of a specific assessment, taking into account its content, what was confirmed by the results of the component analysis.


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How to Cite

Matyukha, L. F., Protsiuk, O. V., & Smal, B. O. (2019). ADAPTATION AND VALIDATION OF MODIFIED DAIBETES KNOWLEDGE TEST IN UKRAINIAN. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (2), 137–143.



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