
  • D. F. Litvinenko Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Kyiv



pharmacokinetics, absorption, OKAGERM-4, confined space hypoxia


The actual problem of pharmacology is the search for highly effective and safe means of pharmacotherapy for acute hypoxia, which develops in a closed unventilated space and is called confined space hypoxia. Today, in this regard, promising are the coordination compounds of germanium with biologically active ligands in the form of trace elements and organic acids. Previously conducted screening and toxicometric studies revealed a high antihypoxic activity and safety of the first synthesized coordination compound of germanium – manganese (II) tartratogermanat (IV) under the laboratory code OKAGERM-4.

The aim – comparative pharmacokinetic analysis of a potential antihypoxant OKAGERM-4 at the stage of its absorption in normal conditions and on a confined space hypoxia model.

Material and Methods. The experiments were performed on 48 white rats of both sexes weighing 170–200 g, which were divided into two groups. The group 1 was the control, and in animals of the groupn 2, confined space hypoxia was simulated by placing animals for 25 min in isolated sealed volume (10 dm3). To determine the pharmacokinetic profile after 45 min; 3; 6 and 24 h (since intraperitoneal injection) in the serum was determined by the level of OKAGERM-4 by the colorimetric method. Indicators of the absorption process were calculated using the Phoenix WinNonLin 8.1 program.

Results. For OKAGERM-4 at a dose of 96.8 mg/kg, pharmacokinetic curves were constructed. The following pharmacokinetic parameters (M±m) of the OKAGERM-4 absorption were obtained in a two-chamber analysis of concentration dynamics: Cmax (normal) = (7.54±0.29) mg/l; Cmax (hypoxia) = (7.13±0.20) mg/l; tmax (norm) = (1.47±0.04) h; tmax (hypoxia) = (1.52±0.06) h; K01 (norm) = (0.82±0.05) h-1; K01 (hypoxia) = (0.80±0.05) h-1; t1/2α (norm) = (0.85±0.07) h; t1/2α (hypoxia) = (0.87±0.05) h.

Conclusions. It was established experimentally that under conditions of confined space hypoxia, a significant change in the Cmax parameter occurs.


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How to Cite

Litvinenko, D. F., & Lukyanchuk, V. D. . (2019). KINETICS OF ABSORPTION OF A NEW ANTIHYPOXYANT OKAGERM-4 IN NORM AND IN CONDITIONS OF HYPOXIC SYNDROME. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (2), 130–136.



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