
  • A. I. Khomitska I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • N. V. Pasyechko I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • L. V. Radetska I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • A. O. Bob I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University



chronic lymphoblastic leukemia, stable ischemic heart disease, oxygen supply of the pheripheral tissues, arterial blood saturation, venous blood saturation


The oxygen supply of the peripheral tissues and its violations are the most important mechanisms in the emergence of the many diseases and its progression. The studying of the mechanisms and diagnostic criteria of the oxygen supply violations of tissues in patients with oncohematological diseases in conditions of comorbidity can contribute to development of correction methods of the detected changes.

The aim of the study – to evaluate the state of the oxygen supply of peripheral tissues in patients with chronic lymphoblastic leukemia and concomitant stable ischemic heart disease.

Material and Methods. The oxygen supply of the peripheral tissues was evaluated by the indixes of arterial and venous blood oxygenation: the arterial blood saturation (Sa.O2), the venous blood saturation (Sv.O2), the oxygen content in the arterial blood (Ca.O2), the oxygen content in the venous blood (Cv.O2) and also the oxygen volume consumption by the peripheral tissues (Da.O2-Dv.O2). This index was determined by the pulse oximetry and oximetry methods.

Results. There was an expressed violations of the oxygen supply of the peripheral tissues in patients with chronic lymphoblastic leukemia and concomitant stable ischemic heart disease, that detected by the certainty decreasing of the venous blood saturation, the oxygen content in the arterial blood and the oxygen volume consumption by the peripheral tissues compared with the inspected patients with chronic lymphoblastic leukemia without concomitant stable ischemic heart diseases.

Conclusions. There was the significant violations of the arterial and venous oxygenation in patients with chronic lymphoblastic leukemia and concomitant stable ischemic heart disease, that detected by the certainty decreasing of the venous blood saturation Sv.O2 (р<0,01), the oxygen content in the arterial blood Са.О2 (р<0,01) and also the oxygen volume consumption by the peripheral tissues Da.O2–Dv.O2 (p<0,05), compared with patients with chronic lymphoblastic leukemia without concomitant stable ischemic heart disease. This violations can be a sign of the pronounced decreasing of the oxygen supply of peripheral tissues in the progressing of the main disease in conditions of comorbidity.


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How to Cite

Khomitska, A. I., Pasyechko, N. V., Radetska, L. V., & Bob, A. O. (2019). THE CHANGES OF OXYGEN SUPPLY OF PERIPHERAL TISSUES IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIA IN CONDITIONS OF COMORBIDITY. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (2), 166–169.



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