Review Process
The scientific journal "Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine" conducts blind peer review, where experts chosen according to the manuscript's subject evaluate the submitted materials. Authors are not allowed to contact reviewers, and the entire review process is confidential. Reviewers, in turn, must declare any potential conflicts of interest related to the authors or the topic of the article.
The editor-in-chief analyzes the reviewers' recommendations and makes one of the following decisions:
- Approve the article for publication;
- Return it to the author for revision based on the reviewers' comments;
- Reject the publication of the article.
The journal adheres to the principles of scientific peer review recommended by the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME). The main aspects of the review include:
- Assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript (research design, methodology, interpretation of results, etc.);
- Analysis of the quality and limitations of the submitted data;
- Providing recommendations for improving the manuscript if necessary;
- Addressing potential ethical issues, such as data duplication, plagiarism, or other forms of scientific misconduct. If misconduct is suspected, the reviewer must notify the editor.
Reviewers are obligated to treat all manuscripts as confidential. They are prohibited from copying, storing, or disseminating materials, as well as using any information or data from the manuscript for personal or professional purposes, except for those related to the review process.
To ensure academic integrity, each article undergoes plagiarism checking using the Unicheck program.