
  • N. M. Saveleva Харківський національний медичний університет



generalized periodontitis, immunity, immunological parameters, somatic diseases.


The article presents the results of an analytical review of literature data in the field of assessing the state of immunological indicators in patients with generalized periodontitis. These data indicate a close relationship between the state of the human immune system and the development of generalized periodontitis against the background of concomitant somatic diseases. The influence of periodontopathogenic microorganisms on the immune response of a macroorganism is described. Data on the state of local and systemic immunity of patients with generalized periodontitis, abnormalities in antibody formation and the functioning of cellular defense mechanisms, activity and content of phagocytic cells, T-lymphocytes, natural killers, imbalance in the cytokine system in the gums and peripheral blood are presented. A number of authors note a significant role in the development of generalized periodontitis secondary immunodeficiency, allergic reactions and autoimmune processes, the general state of the adaptive mechanisms of the body. Disclosure or deepening of knowledge about the pathogenesis of generalized periodontitis will allow to construct optimal adequate therapy and offer effective prevention of dental disease.


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