
  • M. М. Shevchuk Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University



gingivitis, parodontal disease, inflammatory.


Periodontal disease is one of the most complex problems of modern dentistry. It is known that in the development of periodontal disease, a prominent role belongs to local factors, but systemic processes, which lead to profound changes in the internal environment of the organism and structural damage to the periodontal tissues, play an important role. It is proved that generalized periodontitis is pathogenetically closely associated with the pathology of internal organs, and inflammatory and dystrophic-inflammatory lesions of parodontium are largely secondary to systemic processes in the body that underlie a number of diseases of the internal organs. Scientists from all over the world believe that periodontal diseases are etiological and pathogenetic factors to heterogeneous diseases, in which the etiology and pathogenesis of a complex of immunological, biochemical, structural and other pathological changes in mechanisms of inflammatory alteration around dental tissues is observed, and metabolic disorders in the body are accompanied by pathochemical , morphological, immune and biological changes in parodontium. In this regard, promising directions for studying the etiology and pathogenesis of periodontal diseases include the identification of factors that affect the entire human body and periodontal tissue in particular. In the body of the patient with generalized periodontitis there are numerous processes, the interaction of which depends on the nature of the course of the disease and the peculiarities of the formation of a local pathological center. The most important is the association of the endocrine and immune system, the violation of the functional state which promotes the development of deep metabolic disorders in the periodontal tissues. As a result of the review of scientific publications and own observations, the most common clinical symptoms and pathogenesis in inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues have been analyzed. Clinical symptoms of inflammatory diseases are considered as sublimation of their pathogenetic bases, as clinical manifestations of basic for pathology of processes. The conclusion is made on the need for an integrated approach in the treatment of periodontal diseases. The aim of the study – familiarization of broad medical public with the modern views on the etiology, pathogenesis and clinical symptoms in patients with periodontal tissue diseases.

Author Biography

M. М. Shevchuk, Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University



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How to Cite

Shevchuk M. М. (2018). CLINICAL ASPECTS OF PARODONTAL TISS UE DISEASES (LITERATURE REWIEV). Bulletin of Scientific Research, (2).

