
  • O. M. Kopanytsia ДВНЗ "Тернопільський державний медичний університет"
  • Yu. M. Orel ДВНЗ "Тернопільський державний медичний університет"
  • A. M. Shumeliak ДВНЗ "Тернопільський державний медичний університет"
  • M. I. Marushchak ДВНЗ "Тернопільський державний медичний університет"



carrageenan, small intestine, liver, heart, structural organization.


According to many scientists, a decreasing in the consumption of fresh and organic food, and the increasing of artificial food additives can be one of the reasons for the increasing in the prevalence of a large number of diseases.

The aim of the study – to learn the structural organization of the small intestine wall, myocardium and liver of experimental animals in the use of 1 % solution of k-carrageenan.

Materials and Methods. The study was conducted on 24 sexually mature white nonlinear male rats. The experimental animals had free access to 1.0 % carrageenan solution in drinking water. Control group of animals received pure water.

Results and Discussion. During microscopic examination of the internal organs of experimental animals, the most pronounced changes were observed in the small intestine. The dominant element in the picture of pathological changes were manifestations of chronic enteritis – infiltration of the mucous membrane by lymphocytes, macrophages, histiocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils. The usage of carrageenan caused changes in the morphological pattern in the liver and heart. Occasionally there were moderately expressed alterative hepatocyte changes, periportal areas observed the presence of dual-core hepatocytes, indicating reparative regeneration in the liver parenchyma. Changes in the heart muscle in experimental animals were expressed moderately. Moderate edema and in some cases, hypertrophy of vessels and the presence of single red blood cells in perivascular areas was observed. Occasionally there were focal concentrations of lymphocytes.

Conclusions. It has been established that consumption of 0.5 % of carrageenan solution in drinking water in rats is accompanied by the damage to the epithelial cells and their dystrophy, the disorganization of the connective tissue elements of the submucosal layer of the small intestine, which leads to morphological changes in the liver (dystrophic changes in hepatocytes) and the heart (moderate edema and focal lymphocyte accumulation in the myocardium).


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How to Cite

Kopanytsia, O. M., Orel, Y. M., Shumeliak, A. M., & Marushchak, M. I. (2018). MORPHOLOGICAL CHANGES OF THIN INTESTINE, LIVER AND HEART TISSUES IN CARRAGEENAN USAGE IN EXPERIMENT. Bulletin of Scientific Research, (1).

