
  • A. A. Нudyma ДВНЗ “Тернопільський державний медичний університет імені І. Я. Горбачевського”




chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, comorbidity, cardiovascular disease.


The data indicate that chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in the elderly is often associated with cardiovascular disease. Therefore, primary prevention should concern the main factors of COPD – smoking and frequent respiratory diseases, secondary prevention of COPD should be aimed at systemic lesions development’ prophylaxis on the background of study pathology.

The aim of the study – to learn the etiological factors of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and comorbidity in the studied pathology.

Materials and Methods. The study included 64 patients with COPD of varying severity who were inpatient treatment at the Pulmonologic department of the Ternopil University Hospital during 2016 on the exacerbation of COPD. The study included patients with COPD II, III and IV stages, which met the following criteria: hospitalization in hospital with regard to exacerbation of COPD; Age>60; an increase in FEV1 after inhalation with a short-acting β2 agonist of less than 12 %. The frequency of the most significant clinical conditions, which, according to recent research, is associated with an increased risk of death in COPD patients, was analyzed. To determine the statistical significance of (p) change from the initial level, the computer program Statistica 16.0 for Microsoft was used.

Results and Discussion. The main risk factors for COPD include tobacco use and frequent respiratory diseases. In recent years, extrapulmonary COPD effects have been increasingly indicated, which predetermine the development of other pathologies that aggravate the course of some diseases that have common risk factors. Therefore, we analyzed the comorbid conditions in patients with COPD and identified their association with the main risk factors – tobacco and frequent respiratory diseases. It was found that 7.8 % of patients with COPD did not have concomitant pathology, while 92.2 % of the examined patients, besides COPD, suffered from one or more diseases. Analysis of concomitant pathology in patients with COPD indicates a predominance of cardiovascular pathology.

Conclusions. It was found a high incidence of COPD and coronary heart disease, COPD and hypertension in patients grade III airway disorders, conduct educational work nurses should include prevention both COPD and cardiac abnormalities.

Author Biography

A. A. Нudyma, ДВНЗ “Тернопільський державний медичний університет імені І. Я. Горбачевського”

Завідувач кафедри медицини катастроф та військової медицини


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How to Cite

Нudyma A. A. (2017). FEATURES OF CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE IN ELDERLY. Bulletin of Scientific Research, (2). https://doi.org/10.11603/2415-8798.2017.2.7941

