
  • N. G. Pshuk N. Pirogov Vinnitsa National Medical University
  • O. O. Belov N. Pirogov Vinnitsa National Medical University




endogenous depressive disorders, pathomorphosis.


Question of pathomorphosis of depressive disorders is among the most pressing in modern psychiatric science.

The aim of the study – to investigate the clinical pathomorphosis of initial stages and manifest depressive disorders of endogenous nature.

Materials and Methods. We studied the medical records of patients with depressive disorders of endogenous character, who were first diagnosed with depressive disorder: during 1971–1990 – 106 persons, during 1991–2010 – 198 people in 2011–2016 – 99 people.

Results and Discussion. It was found that pathomorphosis of initial stage of depressive disorders is characterized by a progressive increase in the structure of symptoms of hypersensitivity to external influences (from 21.7 % to 38.4 %), emotional hyperesthesia (from 20.8 % to 37.4 %), asthenia (from 20.8 % to 36.4 %), reduced mental capacity (from 12.3 % to 33.3 %) and physical performance (from 12.3 % to 32.3 %), somatovegetatic symptoms (from 19.8 % to 34.3 %), physical discomfort (from 9.4 % to 27.3 %), sleep disorders (from 21.7 % to 34.3 %). All laws of nature are statistically significant (p<0.05). A significant factor of pathomorphosis proved the growing influence of endogenous factors manifestation of initial depressive disorder (from 51.9 % to 54.6 %), among which the most important psycho-emotional stress. Pathomorphosis of manifest period of endogenous depressive disorder is characterized mainly by increase of depression symptoms of anxiety and fear (from 41.5 % to 64.6 %), somatovegetatic manifestations of depression (from 59.4 % to 80.8 %) and dyssomnia (85.8 % to 99.0 %), while reducing the manifestations of asthenia (from 96.2 % to 87.9 %), guilt (from 57.5 % to 44.4 %), and impaired concentration (from 80.2 % to 68.7 %). Laws of nature are statistically significant (p<0.05).

Conclusions. Pathomorphosis of suicidal manifestations is characterized by more complex laws. Overall trends pathomorphosis initial stages and manifest expression somatovegetatic is increasing and alarming manifestations of the parallel reduction of greeting and asthenic manifestations of depressive disorders endogenous nature. Pathomorphosis of discovered patterns should be considered in the development of differentiated treatment, rehabilitation and preventive measures.

Author Biographies

N. G. Pshuk, N. Pirogov Vinnitsa National Medical University

доктор медичних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри медичної психології та психіатрії з курсом післядипломної освіти Вінницького національного медичного університету ім. М.І. Пирогова.

O. O. Belov, N. Pirogov Vinnitsa National Medical University

кандидат медичних наук, асистент кафедри медичної психології та психіатрії з курсом післядипломної освіти Вінницького національного медичного університету ім. М.І. Пирогова.


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How to Cite

Pshuk, N. G., & Belov, O. O. (2017). FEATURES OF PATHOMORPHOSIS OF ENDOGENOUS DEPRESSIVE DISORDERS. Bulletin of Scientific Research, (2). https://doi.org/10.11603/2415-8798.2017.2.7845

