
  • I. Ya. Hospodarskyy I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Mеdical University




COPD, pulmonary tuberculosis, quality of life.


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive societal disease and is the leading cause of mortality in many economically developed countries, which is a significant medical and social problem, and it can not avoid any stratum of society. Modern methods of COPD diagnostics and an arsenal of medications that are used do not always lead to stable remission that affects the patients quality of life, thus searching the cheapest methods of patients rehabilitation is important.

The aim of the study – the nursing study and evaluation of the patients’ quality of life with bronchial obstruction of different genesis before and after training programs, and develop recommendations for improving care and prevention of disease and this condition in Ternopil Regional TB Dispensary (TRTBD) and patient education guidelines on quality of life.

Materials and Methods. The study consisted of three phases. The first stage – analysis of case reports of patients with COPD and pulmonary tuberculosis (TBL), with broncho-obstructive syndrome (BOS) and their questioning. The second stage – on the basis of the data adaptation and usage of existing training programs to the specifics of TRTBD for patients with specific and non-specific lung disorders. The third stage – assessment of the quality of life in patients before and after training and rehabilitation process. Retrospective analyzes of 60 case reports of patients with pulmonary bronchial obstruction during the period of 2015–2016 – 30 patients with COPD, the other 30 – with TBL.

Results and Discussion. In a process of complex treatment, training and rehabilitation of patients with BOS of various origin, along with clinical assessment of the severity of the disease, a study of lung ventilation, it is necessary to determine the quality of life of patients. In patients with bronchial obstruction we observed a significant deterioration in the life quality, that lead to the reduction the daily life activities of patients and symptoms caused by the influence of the physical, mental and emotional sphere of patients. In a case of early inclusion in treatment of individual programs of prolonged physical rehabilitation and psychiatric correction, can be achieved a long-term improvement in quality of life and significant changes in the psycho-emotional status of patients, reducing the level of depression and anxiety.

Conclusions. The optimal form of patient rehabilitation with COPD and TBL, is the improving of the quality of life is an active educational work with patients, which should include programs of group and individual patient education, the antismoking, campaign, psychological and physical rehabilitation and improvement of tolerance to physical exercises in patients with BOS.

Author Biography

I. Ya. Hospodarskyy, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Mеdical University

Завідувач кафедри клінічної імунології, алергології та загального
догляду за хворими


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How to Cite

Hospodarskyy, I. Y. (2017). EXPERIENCE IN NURSE’S ASSESSING THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF PATIENTS WITH BRONCHIAL OBSTRUCTION OF DIFFERENT GENESIS. Bulletin of Scientific Research, (2). https://doi.org/10.11603/2415-8798.2017.2.7824

