
  • O. O. Shevchuk Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil
  • I. M. Todor Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology. Kavetsky Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
  • K. A. Posokhova Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil
  • Ye. O. Snezhkova RE Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
  • V. G. Nikolaev RE Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv



myelosuppression, melphalan, granulocyte colony stimulating factor.


Myelosuppression during intensive chemotherapy frequently is a reason of therapy disruption and rising of patients’ lethality. Effective method for prevention and treatment of neutropenia today is granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) drugs.

The aim of study – a comparison of myeloprotective activity of original preparation of recombinant G-CSF (rG-CSF), developed by IEPOR stuff, and officinal medication Filgrastim.

Materials and Methods. Experiments were performed on healthy inbred white rats, 200 ±20 g. Melphalan (L-PAM, Alkeran, GlaxoSmithKline) was used to cause the myelosuppression at dose of 4 mg/kg one time intravenously. Filgrastim (Neupogen, Hoffman-La Roche Ltd,Switzerland) was used as a referent-drug. Dose of G-CSF was 50 mcg/kg. Animals were randomly distributed into 4 groups: 1 – intact group; 2 – rats who got L-PAM (L-PAM); rats of group 3 and group 4 except L-PAM got Filgrastim (L-PAM + filgrastim) and rG-CSF (L-PAM + rG-CSF). Cytokine was injected subcutaneously once a day during 4 days after melphalan injection. All data were analyzed using StatSoft STATISTICA 10 software.

Results and Discussion. Melphalan caused prominent myelosuppression and thrombocytopenia: white blood cells count decreased by 75.6 %, erythrocytes count by 10.3 %, platelets count – by 59.9 %, hemoglobin level was without significant changes. Analysis of the ratio of blood cells showed that absolute count of neutrophils decreased by 53.8 % and lymphocytes – by 86.8 %.

Both preparations of G-CSF caused significant rising of white blood cells count by 57.0 % (filgrastim) and by 53.9 % (rG-CSF). Also we observe the increasing of absolute count of neutrophils by 67.0 and 61.1 % at leukocytes formula. There were no changes of the other blood cells sprouts.

Conclusions. Data of our study showed that both preparations of granulocyte colony stimulating factor demonstated significant myeloprotective effect. Ukrainian domestic preparation has the same efficacy as an officinal drug Figrastim. Such results are the base for further investigation of its efficacy and safety parameters and implementation into clinical practice.   

Author Biographies

O. O. Shevchuk, Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil

Associate Professor of Pharmacology with Clinical Pharmacology candidate. honey. Associate Professor

I. M. Todor, Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology. Kavetsky Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Department mechanisms of anticancer therapy IYEPOR

K. A. Posokhova, Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil

MD, PhD, DSc, professor, Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology Department

Ye. O. Snezhkova, RE Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Department mechanisms of anticancer therapy IYEPOR

V. G. Nikolaev, RE Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Department means and methods of sorption therapy Corr. NAS of Ukraine, Professor, Head of the Department


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How to Cite

Shevchuk, O. O., Todor, I. M., Posokhova, K. A., Snezhkova, Y. O., & Nikolaev, V. G. (2017). MYELOPROTECTIVE ACTIVITY OF TWO GRANULOCYTE COLONY STIMULATING FACTORS ON MODEL OF CYTOSTATIC MYELOSUPPRESSION. Bulletin of Scientific Research, (1).

