
  • O. V. Avdeev Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil
  • Y. K. Zmarko Тернопільський державний медичний університет, Тернопіль
  • A. B. Boykiv Тернопільський державний медичний університет, Тернопіль
  • R. O. Drevnitska Тернопільський державний медичний університет, Тернопіль




chronic gingivitis, antioxidant protection, children, treatment.


Given the high prevalence of periodontal inflammation in children of all ages the lack of effectiveness of preventive and therapeutic measures must be concluded.

The aim of the study – a comparative assessment of traditional treatment of gingivitis therapy using anti-inflammatory gel with neovitin.

Materials and Methods. 47 children with chronic catarrhal gingivitis were taken under medical supervision and divided into groups: basic (23 children) and comparison (24 children). All children held common therapy under the protocols of care – basic therapy. In the study group we used during the month of pathogenic orientation – an anti-inflammatory gel with neovitin recommended hygiene. In the comparison group for local therapy has been used 3 % solution of hydrogen peroxide; to rinse the mouth (during the first week of treatment) – "Rotokan" therapeutic and preventive toothpaste. Test review and examination of the definition hygienic state of oral hygiene index according to Yu. A. Fedorov and V. V. Volodkinа. It was received the prevalence and intensity of inflammation in the gums evaluated using samples Schiller-Pisarev and PMA index, indicators of oral fluid (content of total glutathione, oxidized and reduced glutathione, glutathione redox index).

Results and Discussion. After treatment liquidation process of gingivitis in patients of the group was accompanied by a decrease PMA index in 2.8 times; GE – 1.6 times. It was established the shortening the treatment of children in the application of the proposed medical scheme. After 0.5 years of total glutathione content in the study group was significantly more than the indicator relative to the treatment group (1.2 times) and of that of the comparative group through 0.5 years (1.2 times). Also true is the difference between the content of glutathione in children and the main comparative groups – 1.2 times, glutathione redox index in the study group increased significantly and even exceeded the control group.

Conclusion. The use of the proposed therapy using gel with neovitin contributed to a better treatment outcome, reduce the degree of gum disease, the number of visits to the doctor to the improvement of antioxidant protection in oral fluid of children, and, more six months after treatment.

Author Biography

O. V. Avdeev, Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil

Head of Department of Pediatric Dentistry


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How to Cite

Avdeev, O. V., Zmarko, Y. K., Boykiv, A. B., & Drevnitska, R. O. (2017). DYNAMICS OF INDICATORS OF ORAL FLUID AND CLINICAL CONDITION OF PERIODONTAL TISSUES IN CHILDREN WITH GINGIVITIS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THERAPEUTIC AND PROPHYLACTIC MEASURES. Bulletin of Scientific Research, (1). https://doi.org/10.11603/2415-8798.2017.1.7517

