
  • N. B. Kuznyak Bukovynian State Medical University



fetus, fnftomical variability, nasal area, female and male sex.


Investigation was conducted on 117 human fetuses aged 5 to 10 months of prenatal development (85.0 – 500.0 mm parieto-calcaneal length) of both sexes by means of complex of morphological methods (anthropometry, morphometrics, computed tomography, three-dimensional computer constructing, statistical analysis). Statistical analysis of morphometric parameters of nasal region structures of both sexes fetuses during fetal period of human prenatal ontogenesis permitted to clarify and determine the features of constitutional and gender anatomy, elucidate mathematical regularities of morphometric parameters changes in investigated structures, which can be a morphologic basis for developing diagnostic algorithms and solving issues of human fetus maturity degree. Periods of uneven growth of nasal region morphometric parameters are 5 and 8 months of fetal development during which is its size accelerated growth in both fetus sexes; also 7th month, when its growth is decelerated. Gender and age peculiarities of nasal aperture changes are characterized by similarity of time dynamics in brachimorph type male fetuses and mesomorph female fetuses. The length of the nasal cavity intensely increases in male fetuses with dolihomorph constitutional type and in female fetuses with doliho- and brachymorph types. Mesomorph fetuses of both sexes and brachimorph male fetuses have higher indicators of the nasal cavity lengths in early fetal period and its slow growth during development. The width of nasal aperture in fetuses of both sexes with dolihomorph type should be considered an extreme form of the anatomical variability (high indicators at early fetal period and accelerated growth during its development). The width of the nasal cavity is characterized by resemblance of growth time dynamics in fetuses with dolihomorph constitutional type of both sexes and a significant gender difference among other constitutional types. Particularly in mesomorph type male fetuses it grows most intense and brachimorph type tends to reduce this index. Therefore for male fetuses with brachymorph type is inherent extreme forms of the nasal cavity width anatomical variability.

Mathematical analysis of morphometric changes features of the nasal aperture and nasal cavity allowed withdraw logarithmic functions, which reflect patterns of this structures dynamic changes:

– width of nasal cavity (male) y=6.6219*exp(0.1178*x);

– width of nasal cavity (female) y= 6.323*exp(0.128*x);

– length of nasal cavity (male) y=11.9296*exp(0,1076*x);

– length of nasal cavity (female) y=11.6504*exp(0.0992*x);

– width of nasal aperture (male) y=5.8844*exp(0.1116*x);

– width of nasal aperture (female) y=5.8259*exp(0.0914*x);

– height of nasal aperture (male) y= 6.9016*exp(0.1418*x);

– height of nasal aperture (female) y=7.0358*exp(0.1004*x).

Author Biography

N. B. Kuznyak, Bukovynian State Medical University

MD, PhD, DSc in Medicine, professor


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