children, cystic fibrosis, pulse oximetry, respiratory rate, heart rate, nurseAbstract
Introduction. The work of an emergency department nurse is a teamwork of professionals. The first person to meet a patient in the emergency department, in the ward where the child is hospitalised, in the laboratory or in the X-ray room is a nurse or nurses – people who have direct contact with the patient. They need modern equipment and knowledge of the standards for determining the exact objective parameters of the respiratory system. Since the anatomical and physiological features of the child’ s body are one of the main factors that determine the etiology, developmental mechanism and outcome of critical conditions in children, we present the main anatomical features in children.
The aim of the study – to carry out a literature search of scientific publications, to analyze the statistics of hospitalization of patients with diseases of children's organs and systems in the Ternopil Regional Children's Clinical Hospital of the Ternopil Regional Council, to analyze and evaluate the parameters of the respiratory system in children with cystic fibrosis.
The main part. The medical literature of Pubmed and Internet resources was analysed. The statistics of hospitalisation of patients in the paediatric boxed unit was analysed. The scheme of examination of a paediatric patient with the determination of vital parameters is presented. When developing the correct individual regimen for a patient with cystic fibrosis (CF) with respiratory system involvement, we evaluate the dynamics of lung function, increase in muscle mass and strength of respiratory muscles, decrease in the incidence of lung infections, delay in the development of complications characteristic of CF.
Conclusions. To provide timely, qualified care, a nurse must have highly skilled skills and be provided with all the necessary medical tools to determine the parameters of the respiratory system. A comprehensive approach to the treatment of children should include a component of parental management strategies and be carried out in individual families under the supervision of a doctor and the counselling work of a nurse. The nurse is the most important member of the multidisciplinary team for the care and monitoring of a patient with respiratory disorders.
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