
  • L. V. Novakova I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • N. O. Davybida I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University




special educational needs, autism, pedagogical process


Introduction. This article talks about the peculiarities of working with students who have special educational needs.

The aim of the study – theoretical substantiation of the peculiarities of the cognitive process of junior high school students in educational institutions with an inclusive form of education.

The main part. Pedagogical work with students who have special educational needs is aimed, first of all, at the maximum development of general social adaptation skills, practical preparation for life in society, self-service skills, the ability to communicate and adequately demonstrate social behavior. For students with mental retardation, in contrast to mental retardation, the presence of violations in the structure of the so-called “prerequisites of intelligence” is noted. These disorders include working capacity, cognitive activity, emotional and volitional components of activity, attention, memory, and perception. At the same time, “own intelligence” (various forms of mental activity, in particular, verbal-logical thinking) reveals a high potential for development, which can be realized through adequate and timely corrective assistance . Children with autism spectrum disorders have the widest range of abnormalities, for example, communication disorders in such children are of a primary nature, all of them poorly develop both receptive (speech) and expressive language. Abstract thinking lags behind in development, they understand only simple unambiguous instructions. They are detached from reality and have a weak, incomplete and distorted connection with the environment. A very important aspect in working with such children is to ensure caution in the pedagogical process in order to avoid excessive load on the already vulnerable nervous system.

Conclusions. Recently, increasing attention has been paid to the problem of studying and correcting various mental disorders in children. The literature, including recommendations for mental retardation, learning and parenting disabilities, and associated behavioral and communication problems, has become substantial. However, many issues remain insufficiently studied


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How to Cite

Novakova, L. V., & Davybida, N. O. (2024). FEATURES OF THE COGNITIVE PROCESS OF YOUNGER SCHOOL STUDENTS IN EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS WITH INCLUSIVE FORM OF EDUCATION. Nursing, (1), 171–174. https://doi.org/10.11603/2411-1597.2024.1.14673


