
  • O. I. Pankratiev I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • L. V. Novakova I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University



health gymnastics, physical exercise, health


Introduction. This is a structure of specific exercises and methodical techniques that are used for the purpose of physical education, education, recovery, recovery, treatment, sports training, and acquisition of vital skills.

The aim of the study – to substantiate the use of health gymnastics to influence the human body.

The main part. Gymnastics is a «unique constructor, the potential transformative capabilities of which exceed the capabilities of many other sports». The main means of gymnastics, according to their predominant effect on the human body, researchers V. Zinchenko and Yu. Usachov grouped: exercises aimed at the development of physical qualities and the formation of motor skills (formation exercises, general developmental exercises, mobile games and relays); exercises aimed at forming vital motor skills and skills (practical exercises, jumping); exercises aimed at the development and improvement of motor skills and willpower (acrobatic exercises, vaulting, exercises on gymnastic equipment, as well as artistic gymnastics exercises). Ukrainian researchers N. Boretska and O. Lytvynenko believe that recreational gymnastics is a structure of specially selected physical exercises and well-founded methodical techniques aimed at solving tasks of a pedagogical and recreational, hygienic nature, all-round physical development, improving motor skills, strengthening health. In turn, O. Khudoliy notes that recreational gymnastics is one of the universal means of physical education. V. Yazlovetskyi, O. Markova, O. Yazlovetska note that the health system of athletic gymnastics is based on the use of complexes of strength exercises with or without different weights in combination with versatile physical training; it does not involve the use of a mandatory set of special simulators, barbells, etc.

Conclusion. Therefore, gymnastics has the most health-improving direction compared to other sports, it is considered a universal system of harmonious development, having a unique effect on the spiritual and physical state of a person, adjusting the body and improving motor coordination.


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How to Cite

Pankratiev, O. I., & Novakova, L. V. (2024). THE MAIN DIRECTIONS OF INFLUENCE OF HEALTH GYMNASTICS ON THE HUMAN BODY. Nursing, (1), 115–118.


