breathing exercises, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, physical rehabilitationAbstract
Introduction. Breathing exercises are part of the range of physical rehabilitation methods aimed at improving lung function and reducing the risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The main idea is to strengthen and optimize the work of the respiratory system through proper breathing and exercises that contribute to increasing the volume of the lungs and improving their functionality.
The aim of the study – to justify the use of breathing exercises for the prevention of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
The main part. Breathing exercises are only one element of the complex of measures for the prevention of COPD. Complexes of breathing exercises are used to improve lung volume, strengthen respiratory muscles, increase breathing efficiency, and reduce symptoms. They can also help support overall lung health. Breathing exercises are especially beneficial for those at high risk of developing COPD or certain breathing problems. In order for breathing exercises to be effective in the prevention of COPD, you need: systematic performance (to achieve maximum benefit, it is important to perform breathing exercises regularly), integration into everyday life (try to include breathing exercises in daily activities, for example, do them during walks, rest or even in a car), a gradual approach (it is worth starting with simpler exercises, gradually increasing their complexity and duration, this will allow the body to adapt and increase the effectiveness of exercises), cooperation with a physical therapist (if there is already a risk of developing COPD or other lung problems, it is necessary consult with a specialist to develop an individual program of breathing exercises), monitoring your health (it is necessary to be attentive to any changes in the state of health, such as worsening of breathing, increase in symptoms, in the event of the appearance of any negative changes, you should contact to the doctor), taking into account individual characteristics (when choosing breathing exercises, physical capabilities and individual needs must be taken into account).
Conclusions. Breathing exercises are a useful element for the prevention of COPD in physical rehabilitation. These exercises are aimed at strengthening the respiratory muscles, improving their function and maintaining the overall health of the lungs. Regular breathing exercises can help maintain lung tissue elasticity, improve gas exchange, and reduce the risk of developing COPD.
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