communicative skills, communicative competence, professional activity, students of educationAbstract
Комунікативні навички є ключовим елементом успіху в сучасному професійному середовищі. Здатність ефективно спілкуватися, передавати інформацію та збирати фідбек є необхідною умовою для досягнення поставлених цілей і досягнення успіху в будь-якій професійній діяльності. В освітньому контексті комунікація відбувається на різних рівнях і включає різноманітні комунікаційні канали. З технічним прогресом, а саме з появою інтернет-технологій, помітно зросла потреба в такій формі комунікації, як писемне мовлення.
The aim of the study – to establish the level of formation of communicative and organizational abilities of students of the Nursing program in different study years.
The main part. In the study of communication skills, 54 students participated. At the first stage of the research, half of the applicants indicated that they have a high level of “soft skills” development, the fourth part - average, and the boys self-identified their level of “soft skills” development as average. According to the results of self-determination, it was established that the students of the 1st and 2nd years of study have a wider range of answers compared to the students of the 3rd year, and in the 4th year they clearly define their level of “soft skills”. At the second stage of the study, it was found that 67 % of applicants have a high level of communicative inclinations (CI), this indicator is 15 % higher than the one we obtained based on the results of the previous self-assessment. The average level of CI was 31 % of respondents, but according to the results of self-assessment, the average level was 16 %. 2 % of respondents have a below average level of CI. When using the method of assessing communicative and organizational inclinations (COI), no persons with a low level of CI were identified, however, during the self-assessment, 15 % identified their level of CI as low. It should be noted that according to the results of self-assessment, 17 % of the applicants could not clearly determine their level of CI, however, with the help of the COI method, their level was determined as average in 8 % and high in 9 %.
Conclusions. To achieve success in the development of future medical professionals’ communicative competence, it is necessary to include appropriate training programs in medical education that are focused on the development of communication skills, conduct communication skill trainings and seminars, and encourage students to practice the learned skills in real clinical situations.
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