Clinical efficacy of use of various types of splints in patients with generalized periodontitis III degree of severity


  • V. I. Bida Institute of Dentistry of P. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • P. O. Guryn Institute of Dentistry of P. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • G. I. Viun Luhansk State Medical University



periodontitis, splinting, periodontal splint, oral hygiene.


Summary. The use of orthopedic methods as a complex treatment of periodontal diseases significantly improves the results of treatment and contributes to the achievement of stabilization and long-term remission, as they are aimed at eliminating aggravating factors of periodontitis development, reducing the progression of the disease or already existing complications, normalizing the function of periodontal tissues.

The aim of the study – to evaluate the clinical efficacy of the use of various splints in patients with generalized periodontitis of the III degree of severity and 3 degrees of mobility of the mandibular anterior teeth.

Materials and Methods. 51 patients with generalized periodontitis of the III degree of severity and 3 degrees of mobility of the mandibular anterior teeth were splinted using an adhesive fiber splint (comparative group) or a universal folding periodontal splint (main group). The indices of the oral hygiene (OHI-S and O’Lear’s plaque index) and the periodontal indices (PMA index, gingival index, periodontal pockets, epithelial attachment loss, recession level) were used.

Results and Discussion. The indices of the oral hygiene in the main group were significantly better (OHI-S=0.8±0.33, O’Leary=25.7±10.15), comparable to the comparative group (OHI-S=1.3±0.32; O’Leary=59.79±12.52) and statistically significant (p>0.05). Periodontal indices of in the main group were slightly better, but statistically did not differ between the groups. In the comparison group, the periodontal indices were worse, but statistical difference between the groups was not noted (p>0.05). After 12 months in the main group, there was no damage of the splint and no return of the mobility of the teeth. In the comparison group, 71 % of patients had splints damage and a return to mobility of some teeth.

Conclusions. Improvement of the oral hygiene in the main group of the hygienic construction of the universal folding periodontal splint allowed to maintain indicators of the periodontal status at one level, which contributed to the stabilization of the pathological process. The deterioration of oral hygiene in the comparison group, 12 months after treatment, caused a slight deterioration, and other indicators of the periodontal status.

Author Biography

V. I. Bida, Institute of Dentistry of P. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education



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How to Cite

Bida, V. I., Guryn, P. O., & Viun, G. I. (2018). Clinical efficacy of use of various types of splints in patients with generalized periodontitis III degree of severity. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (2), 58–63.



Ortopedic stomatology