The periodontal status of young age persons depending on the psychophysiological state


  • M. A. Luchynskiy ДВНЗ «Тернопільський державний медичний університет імені І. Я. Горбачевського МОЗ України», Тернопіль
  • L. V. Piasetska ДВНЗ «Тернопільський державний медичний університет імені І. Я. Горбачевського МОЗ України», Тернопіль
  • Yu. I. Luchynska I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University



пародонт, молодий вік, дезадаптація, психосоматика, психофізіологічний стан.


Summary. Theviolation of the functional state of the nervous system, psycho-emotional sphere and concomitant disorders of the neuroendocrinological regulation considerably make an influence on motion and prognosis of inflammatory and inflammatory-atrophic periodontal diseases.

Summary. The violation of the functional state of the nervous system, psycho-emotional sphere and concomitant disorders of the neuroendocrinological regulation considerably make an influence on motion and prognosis of inflammatory and inflammatory-atrophic periodontal diseases.

The aim of the study – to analyze periodontal status of oral cavity on the background of psychophysiological status in young age persons.

Materials and Methods. The study involved 96 patients 18–44 year old with periodontal diseases. For the evaluation of periodontal status, we determined the РМА index and community periodontal index СРІ. Psychophysiological tests were provided with the specialists of corresponding profile.

Results and Discussion. The result of undertaken studies was that for the group 1 of patients a mean value of PMA index was in 1.6 times less than, as for the persons of the group 2 (36.49±2.87) versus (57.8±3.70) р<0.01). The detailed analysis of СРІ showed that during increasing of psychophysiological disadaptations in patients with the periodontal diseases the amount of healthy sextants diminished at one inspected.

Conclusions. The high prevalence of the initial signs of psychophysiological displays have patients with inflammatory periodontal diseases, while persons with inflammatory-atrophic periodontal diseases have certainly greater frequency of sharp neurotic disorders and neurotic disorders are determined with the protracted motion.

Author Biography

M. A. Luchynskiy, ДВНЗ «Тернопільський державний медичний університет імені І. Я. Горбачевського МОЗ України», Тернопіль



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How to Cite

Luchynskiy, M. A., Piasetska, L. V., & Luchynska, Y. I. (2018). The periodontal status of young age persons depending on the psychophysiological state. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (2), 21–25.



Terapeutic stomatology