The analysis of work of surgical cabinet of Transcarpathian Regional Dental Clinic for 2012–2016


  • V. M. Heley ДВНЗ “Ужгородський національний університет”



preventive examination, doctor dentist-surgeon, periodontal disease, surgical interventions.


Summary. This article presents an analysis of the work of a doctor-surgeon-dentist in Preventive Department of Uzhhorod Regional Dental Clinic in 2012–2016. Statistical processing of medical practice data is an important factor in assessing its professional activity, the completeness of duties, and the quality of providing surgical dental services.

The aim of the study – to analyze the work of dental surgeon for the period of 5 years.

Materials and Methods. According to the authors of most practitioners and dental surgeons, basic problems of organization of dental care are uneven labour load and distribution of surgical-dental care. This analysis of the work of a surgeon in the future will be able to improve the development of mechanisms for qualified medical assistance and improve the efficiency of the functioning of the dental service as a part of the health care system.

Results and Discussion. Analyzing the work of a dental surgeon for five years in the study was given monthly performance reporting. The load during the year on the doctor dental surgeon was uneven. Fluctuations in cabinet loading can be explained by fluctuations in the distribution of holiday days and periods of temporary disability of the clinic staff. Accordingly, monthly in the office was worked out from 19.17 to 19.50 working changes. The data shown in the work clearly confirm the theory of cyclicity and seasonality of patient referrals for surgical-dental care, which in turn corresponds to caries morbidity and its complications according to statistical data.

Conclusions. As can be seen from the analysis of the obtained data, the surgeon-surgeon dentist over 5 years completed a large amount of medical work, which required a profound knowledge of the methods of examination of patients, differential diagnosis, manual skills and abilities. Must constantly improve their skills while on pre-courses prove proficiency to apply effective methods of pharmacotherapy.

Author Biography

V. M. Heley, ДВНЗ “Ужгородський національний університет”



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How to Cite

Heley, V. M. (2018). The analysis of work of surgical cabinet of Transcarpathian Regional Dental Clinic for 2012–2016. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (2), 41–47.



Surgical stomatology