Index estimation of the state of periodontal tissues in young individuals with chronic catarrhal gingivitis on the background of crowding of teeth


  • A. V. Mandych Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University



diseases of periodontal tissues, maxillodental abnormalities, crowding of teeth.


Summary. Today it is known that among maxillodental abnormalities crowded teeth have a leading position and often accompanied by periodontal diseases, lesions of the hard dental tissues, functional disorders of maxillodental system and psycho-emotional disorders of patients is a relevant problem in dentistry. The researchers ascertained the fact of increasing the activity of the course of periodontal disease in patients with maxillodental abnormalities.

The aim of the study – to estimate the intensification of inflammatory processes in periodontal tissues of young individuals with crowding of the teeth using periodontal indices.

Materials and Methods. The article presents the comparative estimation of the intensity of inflammatory processes in periodontal tissues from 104 people in the age of 18−35 years with chronic catarrhal gingivitis (CCG) on the background of crowding of teeth (main group) and 33 people with CCG without orthodontic pathology (comparison group). For the estimation of the state of periodontal tissues the indexes PMA, bleeding gums and СPI were used. The obtained data were worked out statistically.

Results Discussion. It is set on the results of studies that in dependence on the degree of severity of CCG and with increase of the age of examined increases the intensity of inflammatory processes in tissues of teeth-restraint apparatus in both study groups, but in patients with CCG on the background of crowding of teeth this tendency was more pronounced. The average value of the PMA index by its criteria of index revealed to gingivitis of the average severity in the main and comparison groups of the study. With the increase of age of patients in both study groups the increase of the index of bleeding was set. In patients with crowding teeth the values of CPI index exceeded the values of the index in individuals without orthodontic pathology.

Conclusions. In patients with crowded teeth on the background of chronic catarrhal gingivitis the intensification of inflammatory processes in periodontal tissues increased with age and depended on the severity of chronic catarrhal gingivitis and was higher than in patients without orthodontic pathology.

Author Biography

A. V. Mandych, Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University

кафедра терапевтичної стоматології ФПДО, асистент


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How to Cite

Mandych, A. V. (2018). Index estimation of the state of periodontal tissues in young individuals with chronic catarrhal gingivitis on the background of crowding of teeth. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (1).



Terapeutic stomatology