The features of the course of healing of the mandible fractures in persons with various psychosomatic type of personality


  • Ya. P. Nahirniy I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
  • V. L. Fesyk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University



traumatic fractures of the mandible, the course of healing, extroverts, introverts.


Recently, the literature date about the relationship between the occurrence of complications in traumatic fractures of the mandible injured with the labiality of their psyche were appeared. However, in accessible literature, we did not find publications that would highlight the results of research on the features of the course of healing bone wounds in persons with different psychosomatic type of personality.

The aim of the study – to learn the features of the course of healing bone wounds in fractures of the mandible in persons with different psychosomatic type of personality.

Materials and Methods. The study of the features of the course of healing of the mandible fractures was carried out in 54 injured of different psychosomatic type of personality by Eysenck, among whom there were 32 extraverts and 22 introverts. The intensity of the inflammatory response, severity of the pain syndrome and structure of complications were studied clinically.

Results and Discussion. It was established that the clinical signs of fractures in people-extroverts and introverts have their own characteristics. Severity of inflammatory response was lower in people extroverts, which manifested itself more rapidly of pain reducing, of swelling and soft tissue infiltration. Іn evaluated pain for Verbal Descriptor Scale we had found that introverts group of injured was more sensitive to pain. Reducing the intensity of pain in the fracture site in them was slower. The purulent inflammatory complications were more often among injured introverts. There were no significant differences in the structure of inflammatory complications in the comparable groups.

Conclusions. The results of clinical observations indicate that the course of healing bone wounds in persons with traumatic fractures of the mandible and different psychosomatic type of personality has its own characteristics. It was established that the severity of the inflammatory reaction of soft tissues in the fracture area in the injured extroverts was less than introverts, the latter were more sensitive to pain, they often had purulent complications.

Author Biography

Ya. P. Nahirniy, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University



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How to Cite

Nahirniy, Y. P., & Fesyk, V. L. (2017). The features of the course of healing of the mandible fractures in persons with various psychosomatic type of personality. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (2).



Surgical stomatology