Modern items for oral care, methods of teeth cleaning in adults and children


  • G. M. Melnychuk Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
  • M. O. Kushnirenko Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
  • A. S. Melnychuk Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
  • R. S. Kashivska Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University



toothbrushes, flosses, interdental brushes, tooth brushing techniques, individual hygiene.


Treatment of any dental diseases: caries and its complications, non-carious lesions, diseases of periodontal tissue and oral mucosa begins with professional oral hygiene and patient's hygienic training.

The aim of the study – to describe modern oral care products, including various types of toothbrushes (manual, electrical, ionic, ultrasound), indicate their strengths and weaknesses; describe additional items for oral cavity cleaning, terms of flosses use, interdental brushes and stimulants, tongue cleaners, irigators and basic methods of teethbrushing.

Materials and Methods. We conducted a literature review for 1999–2017 years, classified modern items for oral care, found and described the indications and methods of their use.

Results and Discussion. We found that use only toothbrush for effective oral hygiene is not sufficient, because today is a large arsenal of available additional items for thorough cleaning of remote areas of teeth; argued that proper brushing skills can be lost with time, that's why patients need hygiene remotivation, repeated conversations and supervised teethbrushing with results visualization every 3 months.

Conclusions.  Knowledge of teethbrushing methods and choosing the right tools for this has a decisive role in the patient's treatment plan, because a large part of the success depends on the individual oral care and the cooperation of a patient with a doctor.

Author Biographies

G. M. Melnychuk, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

завідувач кафедри дитячої стоматології Івано-Франківського національного медичного університету, доктор медичних наук, професор, заслужений лікар України.

M. O. Kushnirenko, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

асистент кафедри дитячої стоматології Івано-Франківського національного медичного університету.

A. S. Melnychuk, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

доцент кафедри стоматології Навчально-наукового інституту післядипломної освіти Івано-Франківського національного медичного університету.

R. S. Kashivska, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

асистент кафедри терапевтичної стоматології Івано-Франківського національного медичного університету.


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How to Cite

Melnychuk, G. M., Kushnirenko, M. O., Melnychuk, A. S., & Kashivska, R. S. (2017). Modern items for oral care, methods of teeth cleaning in adults and children. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (2).



Terapeutic stomatology