Peculiarities of changes of main clinical signs in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis depending on the methods of comprehensive therapy


  • N. B. Kuznyak Bukovynian State Medical University
  • I. I. Dronyk Bukovynian State Medical University



generalized periodontitis, enzymotherapy, periodontium, inflammation.


The article contains the results of changes of the main clinical signs in 98 patients with the diagnosis of chronic generalized periodontitis.

The aim of the study – to conduct in vestigation and comparison of changes of the main clinical signs in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis depending on the suggested methods of treatment.

Materials and Methods. 98 patients took part in the study diagnosed with chronic generalized periodontitis of the I and II severity, aged 25 to 50 years. Among them there were 51 women (57.1%) and 46 men (46.9%). Patients were included in the study answered the following selection criteria: age 25 to 50 years, diagnosed with chronic generalized periodontitis of the I and II severity, lack of infection-related inflammation, presence information consent for clinical, laboratory and therapeutic interventions.

Results and Discussion. Obtained demonstrated that application of systemic enzymotherapy in addition to the scheme of a traditional comprehensive treatment creates optimal conditions for quick elimination of the main clinical signs of the disease in the periodontal tissue in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis.

Author Biography

N. B. Kuznyak, Bukovynian State Medical University



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How to Cite

Kuznyak, N. B., & Dronyk, I. I. (2017). Peculiarities of changes of main clinical signs in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis depending on the methods of comprehensive therapy. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (1).



Terapeutic stomatology