The effect of therapeutic and prophylactic measures in oral fluid parameters and the clinical condition of periodontal tissues in children 6-7 years suffering from gingivitis


  • O. V. Avdeev I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
  • Y. K. Zmarko I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
  • A. B. Boykiv I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
  • R. O. Drevnitska I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University



6–7 year-old children, chronic catarrhal gingivitis, nonspecific protection, treatment.


The high prevalence of inflammatory processes in the periodontitis of children, the ineffective effectiveness of preventive and curative measures can contribute to the development of generalized periodontitis, therefore it remains urgent to develop pathogenetic effects in the treatment of chronic catarrhal gingivitis.

The aim of the study – a comparative assessment of the traditional treatment of chronic catarrhal gingivitis in children aged 6–7 years with therapy using an anti-inflammatory gel with neovitin.

Materials and Methods. 61 children aged 6–7 years, suffering from chronic catarrhal gingivitis, were taken under clinical supervision and divided into groups: the main (30 children) and the comparative (31 children). All children underwent conventional therapy in accordance with the protocols for the provision of medical care – basic therapy. In the main group, for a month, pathogenetic agents were used: an anti-inflammatory gel with neovitin, hygiene products were recommended. In the comparative group, 3 % hydrogen peroxide solution was used for local therapy, for rinsing of the mouth (during the first week of treatment) – Rotokan, a therapeutic and prophylactic toothpaste.

Examination and control examinations were carried out with the hygienic state of the mouth determined by the hygienic index of Yu. A. Fedorov and V. V. Volodkina, prevalence and intensity of the inflammatory process in the gums with the help of the Schiller-Pisarev test and the PMA index, oral fluid index (lysozyme content, formation of oxydradicals, urease activity, degree of dysbiosis, pH and viscosity).

Results and Discussion. After the treatment, elimination of gum inflammation in patients of the main group was accompanied by a decrease in the PMA index by 3.8 times; formation of oxyradicals decreased in children of the main group by 6.35 %; in the comparative group – by 6.15 %. Urease activity decreased in children of the main group by 16.37 % (p<0.05), the viscosity of the oral fluid of children decreased in 2.65 times in the main group and in 2.13 times in the comparative group (p<0.05). The lysozyme content increased in children of the main group by 15.61 % (p<0.05) in the comparison group – by 9.63% (p<0.05). The treatment after 0.5 years caused an increase in the lysozyme content in the oral fluid of the children of the main group to the level of the control group. The degree of dysbiosis decreased in the main group, in the comparison group tended to increase.

Conclusions. The use of the proposed therapy with gel with neovitin contributed to the best results of treatment: reducing the degree of inflammation of the gums, the number of visits to the doctor, improving the indices of nonspecific protection in the oral fluid of 6-7 years-old children and, to a greater extent, six months after the treatment.


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How to Cite

Avdeev, O. V., Zmarko, Y. K., Boykiv, A. B., & Drevnitska, R. O. (2017). The effect of therapeutic and prophylactic measures in oral fluid parameters and the clinical condition of periodontal tissues in children 6-7 years suffering from gingivitis. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (1).



Children’s stomatology