Effectiveness analysis of the treatment of patients with combined temporomandibular disorders


  • Yu. O. Rybert Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University




temporomandibular disorders, axiography, occlusal therapy.


The article presents the effectiveness analysis of the treatment of 27 patients diagnosed with combined temporomandibular disorders. They include disorders of masticatory muscles, muscles of the neck and shoulders and articular muscles – compression of bilaminar region, displacement of meniscus, hypermobility, and arthritis. These disorders have been associated with occlusal pathologies of various nosological forms. Based on clinical examination, electronic axiography, assessment of functional occlusion in the articulator configured for individual function it was found that patients with combined TMJ disorders have disorders of centric relation of jaws and functional occlusion. Occlusal therapy by means of occlusal splints manufactured in the articulator leads to normalization of occlusal relationship. When occlusal therapy is completed the orthopaedic rehabilitation by means of relevant prosthetics leads to stabilization and normalization of functional occlusion and a positive effect in the treatment of patients with temporomandibular disorders.


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How to Cite

Rybert, Y. O. (2017). Effectiveness analysis of the treatment of patients with combined temporomandibular disorders. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (4). https://doi.org/10.11603/2311-9624.2016.4.7234



Ortopedic stomatology