The comparative analysis of masticatory muscles electromyographic activity in patients with orthodontic disorders and those with orthognatic bite


  • Yu. M. Martits I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
  • I. R. Plavutska V. Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University



orthodontic pathology, orthognatic bite, superficial electromyography, masticatory muscles, symmetry, synergy.


The analysis of bioelectric activity of masticatory muscles, as well as such characteristics as their symmetry and synergy is recommended to determine the degree of functional disorders of these muscles. The objective: to conduct a comparative analysis of electromyographic activity of masticatory muscles in patients with orthodontic disorders and those with orthognatic bite. The materials and methods: a total superficial electromyography of m. Masseter and the front part of the m. Temporalis in 87 people with the presence of orthodontic pathology and 22 persons with orthognatic bite at compression on teeth and cotton rolls. The results: it is determined the reduction of the average amplitude parameter of the same name muscles and ratio indexes of the average amplitude of the muscles of the right and left side at compression on rolls compared to the compression on teeth in both observed groups. Statistically significant differences form. Masseter were not found when comparing the coefficient of the same name muscles coordination between the groups, as opposed to the following measures for m. Temporalis (p<0,05). Conclusion: The condition of occlusion appears on the EMG results, which have been confirmed by us in this study. At orthodontic pathology the EMG results should be evaluated together with the results of other studies (the diagnostics of TMD, clinical functional analysis, TMJ study). It is necessary to conduct further research in this area in order to highlight and explain some causes of the appearance of masticatory muscles asymmetry, its connection with orthodontic pathology, its impact on the course of the disease and the results of orthodontic treatment.


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How to Cite

Martits, Y. M., & Plavutska, I. R. (2016). The comparative analysis of masticatory muscles electromyographic activity in patients with orthodontic disorders and those with orthognatic bite. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (3).



Children’s stomatology