Morphological basis of chronic interstitial sialoadenit in the case of hepato-biliary system disease


  • M. O. Levkiv Ternopil State Medical University



jaundice, parotid gland, sialoadenit, acini, arteries.


Reactive changes of different nature in salivary glands is accompanied by many diseases of internal organs. Due to the complex neurohormonal regulation, bile secretion system is functionally interconnected with all organs and systems of the digestive tract. The article presents data of structural changes of acinar tissue and bloodstream of parotid salivary gland in experimental obstructive jaundice. It was established that the degree of morphological changes in the parotid gland, angioarchitectonics state and nature of degenerative and destructive processes is directly dependent on the duration of obstructive cholestasis.


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How to Cite

Levkiv, M. O. (2016). Morphological basis of chronic interstitial sialoadenit in the case of hepato-biliary system disease. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (3).



Experimental researches