Clinical aspects, complex therapy and prevention of acute Herpetic stomatitis (clinical case)


  • O. O. Zhyznomyrska
  • O. M. Slaba
  • L. Yu. Minko



The course of acute Herpetic stomatitis of medium-severe form, in addition to local dental treatment requires additional cooperation with infectious diseases doctors to perform general detoxification therapy of disease, that can prevent chronic herpes infection. Herpes virus infections are the leading health and social problem and become of national importance inUkraine. That’s why dental’s responsibility for early diagnosing and timely efficient treatment of herpes manifestations on the skin and mucous membranes of the maxillofacial area is being increased. 


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Otrymano 03.02.16



How to Cite

Zhyznomyrska, O. O., Slaba, O. M., & Minko, L. Y. (2016). Clinical aspects, complex therapy and prevention of acute Herpetic stomatitis (clinical case). CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (1).



Terapeutic stomatology