Distance learning in the realities of time at the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry


  • O. B. Belikov Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kyiv
  • N. I. Belikova Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi
  • R. A. Lewandowski Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi




distance education, applicants for education, orthopedic dentistry, martial law


Summary. The academic link of any institution of higher education must always withstand the challenges of the time. In modern conditions, during martial law in Ukraine, this is a real challenge, since there are many barriers that distinguish learning today from learning during long-term quarantines caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. It was not easy to start the educational process in the new realities of the time, since many factors arose, among which the safety of the participants in the educational process in educational institutions, the absence of a threat to the life and health of city residents played a decisive role.

The aim of the study – to describe the development of modern and accessible methods of distance education at the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry to ensure the continuity of the educational process with students, interns and trainee doctors under martial law.

Materials and Methods. In order to create a rational and accessible system of distance education in the current conditions, it was necessary to choose one of the common and free educational platforms for applicants and teachers. At our university, feedback with students, intern doctors, and trainee doctors was provided through the use of the Google Meet platform, which ensured the educational process of the necessary quality and accessibility during the remote mode of work of teachers and students. It can be used by all participants of the educational process who are registered with Google. During distance learning, you can use all the content of the necessary educational materials (plan of lectures and practical classes for the nearest period, methodological developments, presentations, audio files, educational films on the topic, lists of test questions to control the input and output level of knowledge). It was also possible to hold a virtual class on a specific topic and announce current tasks for the next classes.

Results and Discussion. Distance learning should take into account: proximity to the occupied territories; that teachers and applicants for education have devices for organizing the educational process through digital technologies and a permanent Internet connection; Internet connection speed; the ability to connect to Wi-Fi - routers; lack of communication due to being in shelters, being in a crowded audience, power outages and therefore not being able to connect to the beginning of the lesson in a timely manner, etc. So in these situations, you need to approach training individually.

Conclusions. Taking into account the complex realities of the time during the martial law, the distance learning system in dental education should become an integral part of the educational process and continuous professional development of students.


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How to Cite

Belikov, O. B., Belikova, N. I., & Lewandowski, R. A. (2022). Distance learning in the realities of time at the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (2), 34–38. https://doi.org/10.11603/2311-9624.2022.2.13163



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